
Moshuq and S'ankhu


THE bagpipe here drawn is the Moshuq, or, as it is called in
Southern India, S’ruti-upanga or Bhazana-s’ruti. It is used merely
as a drone ; the holes in the pipe are wholly or partialy stopped
with wax so as to tune the instrument to the pitch desired. The bag
is made of the skin of a kid and is inflated from the mouth bv means of
the smaller of the two pipes shown. The drone is of cane, mounted in a
stock of the same material, and which contains the reed. An enlarged
drawing of the reed has been given in the plate, in order better to show its
construction, and, as can be seen, the vibrations are controlled bv a little piece
of wire or fine twine tied roughly round the tongue. The whole reed is in one
piece and is generally made of small cane or of the large marsh reeds found
almost evervwhere. Black wax is used to make the instrument wind-titrht.

The Moshuq of Northern India does not differ much in outward appearance
from this, but contains a chanter, with the addition sometimes of a drone.

The conch shell shown in the lower part of the plate is the S’ankhu.