


THE instrument drawn at the right of the plate is the Pungi, or Jinagovi,
a reed pipe used exclusively by jugglers and snake charmers. The
body and mouthpiece are formed from a bottle-shaped gourd, in which
are inserted two pipes of cane, the interior ends of which are cut so as to form
reeds. One of the pipes is pierced with finger-holes so that it can be played
upon, the other being sounded in unison with the keynote as a drone.

Kurtar, or Chittika, are two pieces of hard wood about six inches in length,
flat upon one side and rounded upon the other. They are held in the one hand
and the flat surfaces beaten together by alternatel}‘ closing and opening the
fingers. A ring is usually inserted at the back of each for the fingers to pass
through, and at the ends are placed little clusters of bells, or small pieces of metal
which jangle when the Kurtar is shaken.